Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Everyone's Talking About Talk Loudoun ...

Talk Loudoun is an e-zine with a mission: to build community through the sharing of positive stories about the people, organizations and events at the heart of where we live and work. Rooted in a belief good news begets good news, Talk Loudoun reaches beyond the daily headlines to report the stories behind the scenes—stories that evoke a smile, touch the heart, and maybe even inspire giving back to the community.  It's an e-zine (no paper!) and it's free!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Most People Don't Think of Banking as "Green," but read on

Among America's top financial institutions, no company has done more to spur the charge, or energize the green cause than PNC. We have taken the lead when it comes to environmentally and employee friendly construction.
  • PNC has more newly constructed "green" buildings certified by the U.S. Green Building Council than any company on Earth.
  • PNC is the first U.S. bank to apply green building standards to all newly constructed or renovated retail branch offices.

Friday, April 1, 2011

WINC FM is hanging out with us

 They're bringing a prize wheel ...
And that means prizes for folks ...
Maybe you!!